Author: Reed News Producer
Issue 85: Reed’s Weather Report
After a long look outside, Reed determined that it was most certainly raining.
Issue 84: Reed Questions His Life Choices
Reed reevaluates his life choices after ending his 17 year long streak of hating pineapple pizza. When asked on his new opinions of the dish Reed said, “Yeah it was, like, pretty good, I guess”
Issue 83: Reed Wakes Up After 2 Week Nap
After 16 days of rest, Reed wakes up only to find out that everyone else was on winter break. When first approached after his nap, Reed asked “You think maybe I could get 2 weeks off of school?”
Issue 82: Reed Blissfully Unaware He Failed All Of His Classes
Reed somehow managed to fail all of his classes, despite his overwhelming confidence. When asked how he felt when he found out how bad he actually did, Reed covered his ears and ran away screaming, “Lalalalala I can’t hear you!”
Issue 81: Evil Reed Plots Full Scale Invasion of Planet Earth
Evil Reed has had enough of this world. His plan is to get access to the world’s supply of nukes, then send them all at Mars so that it falls onto Earth.
Issue 80: OUTRAGE
In spite of his dedication to the role, recent reports have indicated that Reed was underpaid for his appearance in the movie Wonka as the Oompa Loompas. “I studied ages to prepare for this role,” Reed told us, “It’s not fair that they can promise to pay me a lot, only for me to leave…
Issue 79: Alien Invaders?
The first wave of alien life made its appearance today, although it turns out that it was actually a bunch of strawberries. That being said, they were very fierce, making many demands in exchange for not destroying Earth.
Issue 78: Reed Sentenced to France
In an unprecedented ruling, Reed has been sentenced to France, a punishment once thought to be worse than death. He will spend the next 1,000 hours of his life working in a cheese factory as a taste tester. Reed continues to insist Evil Reed was the one behind all of his crimes, but Evil Reed…
Issue 77: Litter Bug
In a shocking turn of events, Reed claims all of his latest misdeeds were carried out by his counterpart, Evil Reed. His trial will take place in an undisclosed location, and only time will tell if his arguments hold any legal ground.
Issue 76: Reed Goes On “Mugging” Spree
A violent deranged man was caught on Helix grounds mugging innocent students. That man was later revealed to be Reed.